Should I Register My E-Commerce Business For VAT?

Should I Register My E-Commerce Business For VAT

So you’ve got your business set up for your customers. You have your email, website, company name, and logo trademarked and ready. You have your products and your Amazon account set up, and you and your supplier are raring to go. You’re excited to be marketing your products to the 450 million people in the EU and the 70 million in the UK.

There’s just one thing left: your EU VAT number. So, should you register your business for VAT in the country where you’re selling?

E-commerce businesses, like Amazon sellers, need to have a selling-point VAT registration (a seller’s EU VAT number) if:

  • the seller exceeds the threshold limit of sales;
  • the seller stocks his or her goods in that EU country and exceeds the annual distance selling threshold.

Non-compliance with these rules could result in the suspension of your ability to sell in the EU. It is important therefore to plan and do your research.

Online VAT Registration Services for Online Business

What is VAT?

VAT or Value-added Tax is a system of indirect taxation in the sales of goods and services in the EU. Simply put, VAT is a consumption tax.

If you’re a non-EU e-commerce seller (Amazon, eBay, Shopify, etc), you must take note of some important things about VAT in the EU.

  • The retail price of your products must be marked up with VAT. VAT rates are usually somewhere between 19 and 23% around Europe, depending on the country. With this added rate on your product, you (the seller) become a sort of tax collector on behalf of the government where you sell. 

VAT, therefore, is not an expense of the e-commerce seller. You collect it from the end consumer and you file the return in the country where the product was sold.

  • VAT is payable upon entry of goods in the EU. This is relevant if you’re a non-EU seller. Import charges apply to all goods once they reach EU customs. This is also why you need an EU VAT number.

Since the departure of the UK from the EU (20 February 2020), most retailers stock their inventory in Germany as it has one of the simplest VAT rules in the union. 

The Sales Limit Threshold

The threshold limit of sales varies per country. When the changes on VAT take on place on 1 July 2021, this threshold limit will become either be €35,000 or €100,000 depending on your country.

You might’ve been selling in the EU and have never breached this threshold. But when trends pick up and you find yourself expecting to go over in about a month, you should register immediately.


The Distance Selling Threshold

The current system also has different distance selling thresholds for each country. This means that if you stock your goods in an EU country, registering for VAT becomes obligatory.

When you also sell your products from your EU warehouse to another EU warehouse and you go over the distance selling threshold (DST) of the destination country, you need to register for VAT in that country. This is because your total annual sales that go above the DST of the country of arrival are payable to that country.

Click here to see all the current thresholds applicable to all e-commerce sellers until 30 June 2021.

Amazon FBA sellers are usually registered in the seven countries where products are stocked: Spain, the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, France, Italy, and the UK. These are their Pan-EU fulfilment centres. 

How Do I Register My Business for VAT?

It takes a while to get an EU VAT number and certificate, so it’s wise to start the registration once you decide to sell in Europe.

This waiting time can range from 3 to 4 weeks in the Czech Republic but can stretch up to 10 weeks or more for Germany.

Aside from the waiting time, the process of VAT registration is also quite complex for many business owners with non-accounting backgrounds. Requirements differ from country to country. It is then wise to get an experienced e-commerce VAT advisor with international accountants in many European countries to take care of the registration (and eventually filing of returns) for you.

Having a professional tax advisor to help you through this process will ensure that your numbers are calculated against your thresholds properly. You can ask for advice if you’re unsure at any stage of the process and they’ll take care of the paperwork that comes with registration and regular filing of returns.

Click here to see a step-by-step registration process with the help of Munshian Ltd.

Once you get your EU VAT number, your products can now be shipped. This number is now your permanent VAT identity.

You will only ever have one. Not sure if you already have an EU VAT number? Search the EU VAT checker here.


Read posts

UK VAT Registration And BREXIT VAT Changes 2021

The July 2021 EU VAT OSS (One-Stop-Shop)

What Happens After You Become VAT Registered?

Now that you have your EU VAT number, you need to file returns. This can be done monthly but most do it quarterly.

You will also have to take note of changes to VAT guidelines come 1 July 2021. These changes will make VAT more streamlined across different European countries through a One-Stop-Shop (OSS) system. 

But don’t worry. With the changes to be applied this 2021 to e-commerce VAT-registered businesses, you’ll only have to file one tax return every month or quarter. As a tax advisor, it will be Munshian’s job to take care of this for you.

What If I Get Registered and I Never Breach the Thresholds?

A seller that never goes beyond any of the thresholds in 12 months can be deregistered. However, being only VAT registered for a short amount of time can be a basis for authorities to question your motives. If you have a valid reason, ask Munshian about your eligibility for deregistration.

Trust the VAT Experts

The evolving world of e-commerce tax is something you need to know about but not memorize. For that, there’s Munshian Ltd.

Munshian Ltd is a group of professional tax advisors who stay on top of your e-commerce tax requirements so you won’t have to. All that’s left for you is to do what you do best: focus on growing your business.

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